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1-31 Day Loan

This is a 1(one)  to 31(Thirty one ) day loan for salaried individuals.

It enables salaried individual to access funds for emergencies or unplanned needs that may arise between one pay day and the next

It is a very convenient way to raise fund and is quickly accessible (Usually between 20min and 3hours).

1-31 Day Loan

This is a 1(one)  to 31(Thirty one ) day loan for salaried individuals.

It enables salaried individual to access funds for emergencies or unplanned needs that may arise between one pay day and the next

It is a very convenient way to raise fund and is quickly accessible (Usually between 20 mins and 3 hours).

     Apply Now

Features and Benefits

Repayment period/Tenure : up to 31days/Next pay day (Minimum of 1 day and maximum of 31 days/Next pay day)

Loan Amount : Minimum of  N10,000 and maximum of N3,000,000.00 subject to a maximum of 65% of obligor next monthly income

Pricing : we apply a risk based pricing to determine repayments. Pricing is very Competitive with no hidden charges

Obligor Limit: 65% of obligor next monthly income



  • Request from applicant. Apply on line or fill our hard application form(Email request   is also acceptable).Email request should be sent to

  • 6 months statements of account (Verified soft copy acceptable)

  • Guarantor(s)  may or may not be required base on risk assessment .

  • Repayment cheque and copy of work id card


Please call us on 07056522149 or email for further inquiry or information.

                                                          Terms and conditions apply

                                                          Apply Now

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